2024/06 99

'SNS서 살인사건 유족 모독' 日 판사 탄핵심판서 파면

"재판관은 국민의 존경과 신뢰를 얻는 품위를 갖춰야 합니다" 사회관계망서비스(SNS)에 살인사건 유족을 모함하는 등 부적절한 글을 수차례 올려 탄핵 소추된 일본 판사가 파면됐다. 일본에서 판사가 SNS 게시글로 인해 탄핵을 당한 첫 사례다. 4일 교도통신 등 현지 언론에 따르면 일본 국회 재판관 탄핵재판소는 3일 오카구치 기이치(岡口基一·58) 재판관(판사)을 파면하기로 결정했다.   교도통신에 따르면, 오카구치 전 판사는 탄핵 결정에 불복할 수 없으며 최소 5년간 법조인으로 활동하지 못한다. 탄핵재판소는 "그가 올린 여러 글이 현저한 비행에 해당된다"고 판단했다. 또 살인사건 피해자 유족으로부터 항의받은 뒤에도 SNS에 글을 지속적으로 올린 행위에 대해선 "표현의 자유가 허용되는 범위를 넘은 것"이라고..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

미국 법원, ‘AI 가짜 판례’ 인용 변호사에 정직 1년

인공지능(AI)이 거짓 정보를 마치 사실처럼 제공하는 이른바 ‘환각 현상’으로 만들어낸 가짜 판례를 인용한 변호사에게 미국 법원이 정직 처분을 내렸다. AI를 통해 법률 리서치를 했더라도, 변호사에게는 여전히 사실 여부를 면밀히 검토할 책임이 있다는 취지다. 한국도 법률 AI를 활용하는 변호사를 위한 구체적 지침이 필요하다는 지적이 나온다.   법률신문이 확인한 바에 따르면 미국 플로리다주 중부 지방 법원은 지난 8일 토마스 그랜트 뉴섬(Thomas Grant Neusom) 변호사에 대해 해당 법원에서 1년 동안 활동을 중단할 것을 명하는 정직 처분을 내렸다.   뉴섬 씨는 지난해 7월 미국 플로리다 중부 지방 법원에서 민사 소송을 수행하던 중 ‘사례 보고서’ 서면을 법원에 제출했다. 법원은 해당 서면에..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

US court suspends lawyer for 1 year for citing ‘AI fake precedent’

A U.S. court suspended a lawyer who cited fake precedents created by artificial intelligence (AI) through the so-called ‘hallucination phenomenon’, which presents false information as if it were fact.  The idea is that even if legal research is conducted through AI, lawyers still have a responsibility to carefully review the facts.  It is pointed out that Korea also needs specific guidelines for..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

Montenegro prosecutors “objection to Kwon Do-hyung’s extradition to Korea”

A last-minute variable arose in the repatriation of Terraform Labs CEO Kwon Do-hyung, who was identified as the main culprit of the Terra/Luna collapse, to Korea.  This is because Montenegro prosecutors are objecting to the local court’s decision to extradite Mr. Kwon.  Montenegro's Supreme Prosecutor's Office announced in a statement posted on its official website on the 21st (local time) that ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

몬테네그로 검찰 "권도형 한국 송환에 이의제기"

테라·루나 폭락 사태의 주범으로 지목된 권도형 테라폼랩스 대표의 한국 송환에 막판 변수가 생겼다. 몬테네그로 검찰이 자국 법원의 권 씨 송환 결정에 대해 이의를 제기하면서다. 몬테네그로 대검찰청은 21일(현지시간) 공식 홈페이지에 올린 성명에서 항소법원과 고등법원의 절차적 문제에 대해 대법원에 적법성 판단을 요청했다고 밝혔다. 대검찰청은 "법원은 법률에 반해 정규 절차가 아닌 약식으로 권 씨에 대한 범죄인 인도 절차를 진행했다"며 "권한을 넘어서 법무부 장관의 고유 권한인 범죄인 인도국에 대한 결정을 내렸다"고 주장했다. 그러면서 "항소법원이 항소심에서 대검찰청 검사의 의견을 듣지도 않았다"며 "대법원에서 적법성 여부를 판단해 법원의 결정을 변경하는 판결을 해 달라고 요청한다"고 밝혔다. 당초 몬테네그로..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

‘Intentional accident aimed at insurance money’… Prevent insurance fraud by blocking the source of accidents

Non-Life Insurance Association, MOU with 4 companies including Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency   The non-life insurance industry is stepping up to prevent fraud that intentionally causes traffic accidents to seek insurance money.  The Non-life Insurance Association announced on the 26th that it will hold a business agreement ceremony with the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Public Safety Poli..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

‘Imported Car Intentional Accident’ Insurance Fraud… From complaints to the Financial Supervisory Service to lawsuits

Two men in their 20s who were accused of buying a used imported car at a low price and then deliberately causing an accident to collect insurance money were handed over to the prosecution.  Pocheon Police Station in Gyeonggi Province announced on the 21st that it had arrested and sent two people, including Mr. A, a man in his 20s, on suspicion of violating the Special Act on Prevention of Insura..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

“He marries the daughter of a conman after being betrayed”...Why everyone is angry at the news of Lee Seung-gi, ‘Son-in-Law of Gyeon Mi-ri’

When singer and actor Lee Seung-gi announced his marriage to his girlfriend, actress Da-in Lee, with whom he has been in a relationship amidst mixed public opinion, many people's attention is focused on them.  On February 7, 2023, Lee Seung-gi released his handwritten letter through his Instagram and said, "I think I have a lot to write a long letter about in many ways this year."  Lee Seung-gi ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

Gyeon Mi-ri, "The stock price manipulation case is not related to my husband... We are also victims."

Gyeon Mi-ri's husband is suspected of being involved in stock price manipulation.  'Gyeon Mi-ri's daughter' Lee Da-in reignites with Lee Seung-gi's marriage  Gyeon Mi-ri's side "The incident committed by Jayu officials is not related."  Actress Kyun Mi-ri expressed her position through her law firm regarding rumors of her husband A's stock price manipulation.  On the 17th, Daeho Law Firm, which ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

“Voice phishing sentences have been strengthened, but sentencing standards are insufficient… “A new crime type has been added to the sentencing guidelines for fraud crimes.”

Last year, while the statutory penalty for voice phishing crimes was significantly increased under the 'Special Act on Prevention of Damage from Telecommunications and Financial Fraud and Refund of Damages,' related sentencing standards were improved by creating new crime types and crime groups in the sentencing standards for fraud crimes. It was pointed out that provision should be made.  On th..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25