2024/06/01 9

Health insurance medical expenses will increase by 1.96% next year, and medical expenses are likely to increase.

The fee (compensation for medical services) paid by the National Health Insurance Corporation to medical institutions will rise by 1.96% next year.  As a result, it is predicted that the medical expenses paid by patients will rise slightly, which may lead to an increase in health insurance premiums next year.  The National Health Insurance Corporation announced on the 1st that it had completed n..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

‘Terra Incident’ Kwon Do-hyung agrees to civil suit fine with US securities authorities

In relation to the collapse of New York virtual currency Terra and Luna, issuer Terraform Labs and co-founder Dohyung Kwon have reached a tentative agreement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on the amount of recovery and fines.  According to trial records released by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, in the civil lawsuit filed by the SEC against..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

'테라 사태' 권도형, 미국 증권 당국과 민사소송 벌금액 합의

뉴욕 가상화폐 테라·루나 붕괴 사태와 관련해 발행사인 테라폼랩스와 공동창업자 권도형씨가 미국 증권거래위원회(SEC)와 환수금 및 벌금 규모에 잠정 합의했다. 뉴욕 남부연방법원이 공개한 재판기록에 따르면 SEC가 테라폼랩스 및 권씨를 상대로 제기한 민사소송에서 양측 대리인은 벌금 부과와 관련해 원칙적으로 합의에 도달했다고 재판부에 알렸다. 다만, 벌금 액수 등 구체적인 합의 조건은 아직 공개되지 않았다. 양측은 6월 12일까지 합의 관련 서류를 법원에 제출해야 한다. 앞서 미 증권 당국인 SEC는 2021년 11월 권씨와 테라폼랩스가 테라의 안정성과 관련해 투자자들을 속여 거액의 투자 손실을 입혔다면서 민사 소송을 제기했다. 이 재판은 권씨를 상대로 제기된 형사재판과는 별도로 제기된 민사재판으로, 피고인이..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

Mexico's first female president? Both progressive and conservative leaders are women.

As the presidential election to be held in Mexico on the 2nd approaches, expectations are rising for the birth of the first female president.  Mexico's National Election Commission (INE) announced on the 30th (local time) that in this election, 100 million voters will elect 20,708 elected officials, including the president with a six-year term, senators and representatives, governors, district m..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

멕시코 첫 여성 대통령 나오나…진보·보수 선두 모두 여성

멕시코에서 오는 2일 치러지는 대선이 코앞에 다가오면서 첫 여성 대통령 탄생에 대한 기대감이 높아지고 있다. 멕시코 선거관리위원회(INE)는 이번 선거에서 유권자 1억명이 임기 6년의 대통령을 비롯한 상·하원 의원, 주지사, 구청장, 지방의원 등 선출직 공직자 2만708명을 뽑는다고 30일(현지시각) 밝혔다. 가장 관심이 높은 대선에는 진보 여당연합의 클라우디아 셰인바움(61·국가재건운동 소속) 후보와 보수 야당연합의 소치틀 갈베스(61·국민행동당 소속) 후보, 호르헤 마이네스 알바레스(39) 시민운동당 후보가 대결한다. 판세는 셰인바움 후보가 넉넉하게 앞서는 가운데 갈베스 후보와 알바레스 후보가 멀찍이서 뒤쫓고 있는 형세이다. 선거 막바지 현지 여론조사는 셰인바움 후보가 50%대 중반의 지지를 얻고 있..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

‘Guilty verdict’ Trump likely avoids arrest… It is also possible to run for office in prison

With former U.S. President Donald Trump being found guilty, attention is being paid to what kind of punishment the court will impose on July 11 and what impact it will have on the presidential election.  The crime admitted to former President Trump is punishable by 16 months to 4 years in prison.  Since there is no constitutional provision preventing people with criminal records or prisoners fro..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

“Eliminate violence targeting women”... ‘Male Behavior Change Secretary’ established in Australia

In Australia, which has recently experienced a series of violence targeting women, the establishment of a new public office to deal with the issue of violence against women is attracting attention.  The New York Times reported on the 30th (local time) that Prime Minister Jacinta Allen of the Australian state of Victoria appointed state legislator Tim Richardson to the newly created office of 'Pa..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

South Africa’s ‘Mandela Party’ ends 30 years of sole rule… failed to receive majority vote

Nelson Mandela's African National Congress (ANC), which ended white rule in South Africa, has ended its 30-year long term in power.  As of 2 p.m. on the 31st (local time), when about two-thirds of the votes in the South African general election held on the 29th had been counted, AP and Reuters reported that the South African National Election Commission was counting that the African National Con..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01

Choi Tae-won, the ‘divorce of the century’, decides to report the person who spread the divorce lawsuit judgment

SK Group Chairman Chey Tae-won has decided to take legal action against the person who first circulated the divorce lawsuit judgment against Noh So-young, director of the Art Center Butterfly.  On the 1st, Chairman Choi's legal representative announced that he plans to file a complaint with the police against the unidentified person who first spread the divorce lawsuit verdict online on charges ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.01