전체 글 126

‘Intentional accident aimed at insurance money’… Prevent insurance fraud by blocking the source of accidents

Non-Life Insurance Association, MOU with 4 companies including Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency   The non-life insurance industry is stepping up to prevent fraud that intentionally causes traffic accidents to seek insurance money.  The Non-life Insurance Association announced on the 26th that it will hold a business agreement ceremony with the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Public Safety Poli..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

‘Imported Car Intentional Accident’ Insurance Fraud… From complaints to the Financial Supervisory Service to lawsuits

Two men in their 20s who were accused of buying a used imported car at a low price and then deliberately causing an accident to collect insurance money were handed over to the prosecution.  Pocheon Police Station in Gyeonggi Province announced on the 21st that it had arrested and sent two people, including Mr. A, a man in his 20s, on suspicion of violating the Special Act on Prevention of Insura..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

“He marries the daughter of a conman after being betrayed”...Why everyone is angry at the news of Lee Seung-gi, ‘Son-in-Law of Gyeon Mi-ri’

When singer and actor Lee Seung-gi announced his marriage to his girlfriend, actress Da-in Lee, with whom he has been in a relationship amidst mixed public opinion, many people's attention is focused on them.  On February 7, 2023, Lee Seung-gi released his handwritten letter through his Instagram and said, "I think I have a lot to write a long letter about in many ways this year."  Lee Seung-gi ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

Gyeon Mi-ri, "The stock price manipulation case is not related to my husband... We are also victims."

Gyeon Mi-ri's husband is suspected of being involved in stock price manipulation.  'Gyeon Mi-ri's daughter' Lee Da-in reignites with Lee Seung-gi's marriage  Gyeon Mi-ri's side "The incident committed by Jayu officials is not related."  Actress Kyun Mi-ri expressed her position through her law firm regarding rumors of her husband A's stock price manipulation.  On the 17th, Daeho Law Firm, which ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

“Voice phishing sentences have been strengthened, but sentencing standards are insufficient… “A new crime type has been added to the sentencing guidelines for fraud crimes.”

Last year, while the statutory penalty for voice phishing crimes was significantly increased under the 'Special Act on Prevention of Damage from Telecommunications and Financial Fraud and Refund of Damages,' related sentencing standards were improved by creating new crime types and crime groups in the sentencing standards for fraud crimes. It was pointed out that provision should be made.  On th..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25

“보이스피싱 형량 강화했지만 양형기준 미비… 사기범죄 양형기준에 새 범죄유형 추가”

더보기    지난해 ‘전기통신금융사기 피해 방지 및 피해금 환급에 관한 특별법’상 보이스피싱 범죄에 대한 법정형이 크게 상향된 가운데, 사기범죄 양형기준에 새 범죄 유형과 범죄군을 신설하는 등 방법으로 관련 양형기준을 마련해야 한다는 지적이 나왔다. 양형위원회 산하 양형연구회(회장 이주원)는 24일 서울 서초구에 있는 대법원 대강당에서 ‘사기범죄와 양형’을 주제로 심포지엄을 열었다. 정성민 전주지법 군산지원 부장판사는 “2014년에 통신사기피해환급법에 보이스피싱 범죄에 대한 처벌규정인 제15조의 2가 신설됐지만 실무에서는 이 조항을 적용해 보이스피싱사범을 처벌하는 경우(이하 ‘특별법 위반죄’)는 드물었다”며 “특별법 위반죄 징역형 상한이 사기죄와 동일한 10년이어서 특별법을 적용할 실익이 적고 재산상 이..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25

“Something that would take a year can be done in just one minute”… The legal profession has been turned upside down by ‘AI lawyers’

AI Changing the Legal Industry  UK Luminance introduces AI dedicated to contracts  Attention to domestic ventures such as Elbox and Law&Good  Courts and police are also considering introducing AI in their work  KISDI “Legal Tech will grow the market”  Industry: “Technology can only advance if the judgment is made public”  There is opposition from the legal profession to the expansion of the role..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25

"1년 걸릴 일, 1분이면 끝"…'AI 변호사'에 법조계 뒤집어졌다

법률산업 바꾸는 AI 英 루미넌스, 계약 전담 AI 선보여 엘박스·로앤굿 등 국내 벤처 주목 법원·경찰도 업무에 AI도입 검토 KISDI "리걸테크가 시장 키울 것" 업계 "판결문 공개해야 기술 발전" AI역할 확대에 법조계 반발도 “나는 학교폭력 피해자다. 친구가 매일 이유도 없이 때린다. 고소하고 싶어도 우리 엄마는 돈이 없다. 이런 나를 위해 고소장 샘플을 만들어줄래?” 강민구 서울고등법원 부장판사가 오픈AI의 챗GPT에 음성으로 질문을 던졌다. 퇴임을 앞두고 최근 세종시에서 연 공무원 대상 강연에서다. GPT-4 기반 챗GPT는 학교폭력 고소장 양식을 줄줄이 내놨다. 보수적이던 법률 분야에 인공지능(AI)의 영향력이 커지고 있다. 법조계에선 기존 로펌 변호사가 맡던 업무 중 상당 부분을 AI가 대..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25

AI and the future of lawyers

The legal community around the world is struggling with the emergence of new civilizations such as legal tech and AI lawyers.  In some countries, Chat GPT is already being used to provide legal consultation without a lawyer, and even in Korea, some large law firms have reached a stage where they are widely promoting the fact that they use AI.  Humanity has begun to think about how to set limits ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25

AI와 변호사의 미래

전 세계 법조계는 리걸테크, AI 변호사 등 새로운 문명의 출현에 홍역을 치르고 있다. 일부 국가에서는 이미 챗 GPT를 이용해 변호사 없이 법적 상담을 하고 있고, 국내에서도 일부 대형로펌이 AI를 이용한다는 사실을 대대적으로 홍보하는 단계에 이르렀다. 인류는 AI를 통한 업역의 한계를 어떻게 지을지 고민하기 시작했다. 분야를 가리지 않고 인간이 스스로 처리하는 일자리가 없어지기 시작했다. 전문가들은 1~2년 뒤 AI 능력이 결정적으로 폭등하는 시기가 올 것으로 예상하고 있다. 문제는 AI가 법치주의 등 사회의 기본 가치를 지키는 역할을 수행하는 변호사 직역에도 심각한 영향을 미치고 있다는 점이다. 변호사는 국민에게 주어진 헌법적 권리를 수호하고, 권력을 감시·감독하는 직업이다. 권력이 법치주의를 흔들..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25