2024/05 12

개혁신당 새 대표에 허은아…“2027년 대선에서 젊은 대통령 탄생시키겠다”

개혁신당이 새 대표에 허은아 전 의원을 선출했습니다. 개혁신당은 오늘(19일) 국회 의원회관에서 열린 전당대회에서 허 전 의원이 38.38% 득표로 이기인(35.34%) 전 최고위원을 제치고 당 대표에 뽑혔다고 발표했습니다. 네 차례에 걸친 권역별 현장평가단 투표(25%)와 일반 국민 여론조사(25%), 전당대회 당원 투표(50%)를 합산한 결과입니다. 허 신임 대표는 수락연설에서 “2026년 지방선거에서 돌풍을 일으키고, 2027년 대통령 선거에서 개혁신당의 젊은 대통령을 탄생시키겠다”며 “대통령을 만들기 위해 할 일이 많다. 중앙당을 재정비하고, 시도당과 지역 당협을 활성화하겠다”고 말했습니다. 이어 “(지방선거에서) 기초부터 광역까지 모든 선거구에 후보를 내겠다는 각오로 뛰어야 한다”며 “수권정당으..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.29

Peruvian prosecutors submit corruption charges against incumbent president to Congress

Peruvian prosecutors have submitted charges against President Dina Boluarte, who is suspected of corruption, to Congress, Reuters reported.  The Peruvian Prosecutor General's Office announced this on the 27th local time, saying that there were charges of "passive bribery" in connection with the suspicion that President Boluarte illegally acquired expensive watches, including Rolex watches.  Pres..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.29

Japan says North Korea's satellite launch failed, additional launches possiblable.

The Japanese government judged that North Korea's launch of a military reconnaissance satellite had failed and predicted that additional launches were possible.  Japanese government spokesman Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said at a press conference, "According to information sharing between Korea, the United States and Japan, North Korea yesterday pushed ahead with a launch using bal..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.29

Joint declaration on denuclearization retreats due to Japanese newspaper reporting opposing China

Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun reported today that South Korea, China, and Japan continued to clash over the phrase 'denuclearization' to be included in the joint declaration right before the trilateral summit.  The Yomiuri Shimbun reported that the draft joint declaration included the phrase "complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is a common goal," but the joint declaration released after ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.29

flounder fish viral disease

Chapter 1 Major marine fish diseases and countermeasures  1. Halibut   viral disease  Viral hemorrhagic sepsis   Pathogen Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus    It has been isolated from freshwater salmonid fish as well as various marine fish in Europe and North America.  Symptom  Darkening of body color, abdominal distension due to ascites retention, hernia, fading of gills, etc. are observed.  ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.28

USA condemns North Korea satellite launch, violation of Security Council resolutions

The United States condemned North Korea's failed launch of a military reconnaissance satellite as a "clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions."  In a Q&A with South Korean media on the 27th local time, a U.S. State Department spokesperson said, "We condemn this launch, which included technology directly related to North Korea's ballistic missile program," adding, "North Korea's actions..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.28

China 4 dead The ground weakened due to heavy rain

At least four people have died after a five-story apartment building collapsed in eastern China's Anhui province.  According to Xinhua News Agency, part of a five-story building suddenly collapsed within a residential apartment complex in Tongling City, Anhui Province, yesterday afternoon.  Five people were buried in this accident, and although the fire department attempted to rescue them, four ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.28

Horrible tornado kills 21 people, ruins everywhere

anchor  In the United States, tornadoes and storms struck during the three-day holiday leading up to Memorial Day, killing at least 21 people.  Additional damage is a concern as tornadoes continue to form in the warm, humid air.  This is correspondent Wang Jong-myeong in Washington.       report  This is a tornado video captured in Eddyville, Kentucky.  It swirls with such fierce force that it s..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.28

USA deeply concerned about Chinese military exercises around Taiwan

The United States and China are in a tense standoff over conflict issues in the South China Sea and East China Sea.  The U.S. State Department announced on the 27th local time that Lambert, the State Department's China Coordinator and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, had a video conference with Hong Liang, Director of the Border and Ocean Affairs Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.28

Japan Watch closely for additional provocations within June 4

anchor  It was confirmed that North Korea's satellite launch vehicle failed.  The Japanese government believes that additional provocations are likely until the 4th of next month and is closely monitoring the situation.  This is correspondent Hyun Young-jun from Tokyo.        report  Japan's Ministry of Defense announced that a ballistic missile was launched from North Korea last night.  Japan's..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.28